Okay, the title might be confusing but it's the actual title of our lecture today. I think the ustadzah/lecturer interpreted it as something like 'how to be a real beautiful muslimah'.
I'm going to attach screenshots of my scrap notes of the lecture -they're in Bahasa Indonesia.
I'll write the English translation below the screenshots.
I hope this will be beneficial for you all :)
The measure of a muslimah's beauty is her akhlaq.
Bina ul-Islam/the Building of Islam: the wall is from ibadah/good deeds, the decorations are from a person's character, the roof is from dakwah and jihad.
A muslimah's role: a servant of Allah, a mother, a wife, a daughter, a part of society.
Hijab is a form of Allah's caring for muslimah.
A muslimah must have an ahlul jannah's characters: shalihah, qanitat, hafidzat.
These can be found in An-Nisa verse 34.
Qanitat: obedient.
Hafidzat: guarding/taking care. A muslimah must be able to take care of herself and keeping amanah/everything that has been given from Allah.
Apart from those, there are other characters: muslimaat, qanitat, mu'minaat, taaibat, 'abidaat, saaihat (able to self-restrain).
These can be found in At-Tahrim verse 5.
Qanitat: obedient to Allah
Mu'minat: devoted to Allah
Taaibat: does taubat/repent. Asks for forgiveness when doing wrong.
'Abidaat: likes to do ibadah/good deeds. Use every special moments that Allah gives to us to do good deeds. Do your activities for Allah.
Saaihat: able to self restrain.
Tazkiyatun nafs: cleansing self/soul.
'Tazkiyat' is derived from word 'zakat' which means 'to cleanse'.
The use of tazkiyatun nafs:
1. As one of wadzifah/task for the Rasuls to their ummat/people (Surah 62 verse 2)
2. A devotee's characteristic (Surah 9 verse 108)
3. Measurement between happiness and doom (Surah 91 verse 9-10)
4. A cure to the illness of the soul
5. A way to stay away from syaithan/satan's trickery (Surah 7 verse 201-202)
6. As a guard from doing maksiat/wrong doings.
Ta'awudz: to ask for Allah's guard and cleanse soul.
How to tazkiyatun nafs:
1. Attend majlis of ilm/learning circle that makes us closer to Al-Qur'an.
2. Do plenty of ibadah/good deeds. "Rasul said: do good deeds as many as you can... (to be continued)
...because Allah won't get bored until you're bored, and Allah's most loved good deed is the good deed that continuously done even though just a little. (Bukhari)"
3. Do muhasabah/introspection at the beginning of doing good deed, at the middle and at the end. You have to be ikhlas/sincere at all times.
Never think bad of Allah for our mistake or bad condition because Allah wants the best for us and wants us to be good.
4. Do taubat/repent regularly (At-Tahrim verse 8).
5. Befriend the shalih/good people.
6. Dzikrul maut/remember of death: "Rasul said: I was once forbid you to do pilgrimage at grave but now do it because it can soften hearts, runs tears, and reminds us of akhirat/the day after. (Hakim)"
7. Pray to Allah
"Ya muqallibal quluub, tsabbit qalby 'alaa diinika."
Good people according to Allah is the one that when he/she does mistake he/she remembers Allah.
Do ibadah/good deeds based on knowledge so we have better understanding on what we're doing.
Do ikhtiar/endeavour on things and pray well and then let Allah do the rest whether we're given good or bad fate. Be sure that Allah will give us the good at the end.
That's all for now!
I hope I can attend more lectures from now on, Insyaa Allah, so I can share with all of you!
Sorry if I made mistakes, I did my best to make sure you (pretty much) understand some things about tazkiyatun nafs and to be a better person - especially as a muslimah!
And p.s. if you have something you don't understand, I'm not confident enough to answer your question, so better ask someone with greater knowledge! Sorry! :')
Thank you for reading and I hope you gain something from this post!
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